I was coming home from church after a wonderful Easter service. Somehow I ended up in the car by myself. The Stewart's needed to take three cars to church when parking is limited. With no one to talk too I turned on the radio; it was on way fm and I just didn't feel like listening to contemporary music. I wanted my traditional Easter hymns Christ the Lord is Risen Today....No such luck couldn't find one but I found a preacher speaking and he was reading the traditional Easter story from Mark 16 starting at the first verse...
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 But when they looked up, they saw that the.....
I didn't hear another word, my brain starting going into overdrive. I've never heard that verse like that before - I've always concentrated on the story that Christ is alive - Hallelujah. I've never thought so much about the women - the devoted, loving, women meaning to do good - a proper burial. UNNECESSARY WORRY is what jumped out of my car speaker. What do you think they said to each other? I can only imagine what I would have been saying if Chris, Allison and I were on our way to the tomb that morning. It would have gone something like this:
There is no way the three of us can move that stone. What are we going to do? Forget those scaredy-cat disciples, they aren't coming out of that upper room to help us. What about the guards? Maybe if we plead and beg with lots of tears they will roll away the stone. Well let's go try and if we can't get in we will just go home.
God moved the stone. It was His job all along - why do we unnecessarily worry about God's part of our situations? He allows events to occur beyond our control to show us He is able and willing TO DO if we will let Him. He is ready to help us, He is powerful and mighty, He cares about us, He hears our cries, He just asks one thing - believe.
When situations out of my control occur (of course those are very few since I think I can control everything), I tend to allow my mind to explore every possible scenario and out come. I will even rehearse conversations if the situation involves other people so I will be totally prepared. Don't get me wrong - I will pray and pray and pray about the thing - but I'm working on a backup plan if God doesn't deliver in a manner that I think is valid. I don't want to set my sites too high, I don't want to be disappointed - I never want to say God you let me down. Isn't that just crazy thinking?! God can do anything and everything and sometimes I fail to trust and believe Him.
Isn't it amazing how God can speak to us - Thank You Lord - for a new memorable lesson on Easter. May I be changed to trust and believe in you and stop worrying about your job!!!!