Wednesday, March 8, 2017
2017 Lent Day 7
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
2017 Lent Day 6
Born again ... we must be born again. I remember when this terminology became popular; many people didn't like it. If memory serves me right my dad thought this was the work of contemporary worshippers. I grew up Missouri synod Lutheran with the red hymnals (traditional, conservatives).
Most people would consider the topic of rebirth Jesus and Nicodemus discuss the most important aspect of this section of scripture. I'm not a theologian to argue but these aren't the verses that jumped out to me today. From The Message:
19-21 “This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.”
Did you know (of course you did), church membership in America is declining. There are numerous articles with theories why the decline is happening. Could this be the reason? Men and women everywhere ran for the darkness? I like how The Message words it ... they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won't come near it, fearing a painful exposure. I wanted you to read it again, that's why I repeated it. How often do we find people lying, pretending to be something they aren't because they fear exposure?
Jesus' words ring true today " This is the crisis we're in," I suggest the reason is still true today. I know there are plenty of times I'm more interested in pleasing Cynthia than God. Do we become numb to God because we are so consumed with ourselves, our plans, our problems, our friends, our families, our flesh?
Lent - a time to examine the area's of our lives where we fall short, feel defeated, or have grown cold. And we do so not to beat ourselves up but prepare for God's gifts. (Max Lucado, He Chose the Nails pg 16). Not in our own strength can we accomplish this - it takes surrender, repentance, seeking the God-light. Id much rather be in the second part of this scripture - working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.
Monday, March 6, 2017
2017 Lent Day 5
John 2:13-25 Jesus clears the temple. This is a very familiar passage. Verses 15-16:
We don't have sacrifices to offer today - so we don't have money changers in our churches. But I keep thinking would Jesus want to make a whip at our churches today? I can't remember going to a church that just focused on worship - NOT ONE. We make announcements, we have bulletins full of announcements, we have special presentations, slide shows, video clips, etc. For me these can become distractions from worship. I'm not pointing fingers - I've made announcements, I've written announcements, I've used video clips and slide shows - I'm guilty.
They are GOOD things too - but they aren't worship. We can get hung up on the number of hymns we must sing, what creed we say, how long the pastor talks, our rituals. We find comfort in our rituals don't we - OK I know we are going to sing the doxology after the offering. I'll be honest I like to know what the order of worship is going to be and I certainly want to follow it correctly. It has been printed up and I've studied it. Yes I notice if there is even the slightest deviation, and I begin an in-depth analysis to determine the root cause. Look out the whip just passed down the aisle.
What if we started to concentrate on worship - allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts? One where we didn't worry or rush. What if we don't do announcements - don't print a bulletin? We listen intentionally and open ourselves to be changed by the potter. One of the sweetest worship services I remember is when all the power went off for a week because a tornado knocked down all the towers. I don't remember how the word got out - but we showed up for one worship service. We sang and I remember we shared our experiences with people during this unusual place we all found ourselves - unplugged.
I think I need to be more deliberate on my preparation before worship so I can stay focused on what is important - my Father in His house worthy of my praise, thanksgiving, and confession.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
2017 Lent Day 4
John 2:1-12
My niece is getting married one week from today. So when I read this scripture I tried to infer some meaning for this upcoming nuptials. You've guessed it - Jesus turns water into wine his first miracle. I've reread the passage 3 times in the NIV, once in the Message, and once in the New King James. As much as I've tried I just can't come up with a connection for this upcoming wedding. No surprise, His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).
I occasionally drink wine, but I don't know very much about it. There are so many choices at the store. If I took a Facebook quiz on wine I'd fail miserably. There were obviously different wines during this time of Christ as well. In verse 10 the master of the banquet tastes this wine Jesus has miraculously changed from water and says "everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."
I don't know about you but I'm tickled that God provides not what is expected or customary but what is best. Jesus' mother Mary gets involved with the festivities sees the wine is low and enlists Jesus to fix it. Women are really good at identifying problems and passing on the work to men. But we tend to give more instructions than Mary. She just tells Jesus there is a problem, and for the servants to do whatever he says. Maybe that's the message God is trying to tell me - just ask, stop giving me advice on how to solve this or that. Are you like me? I pray so passionately telling God what I think would be best. The past 3 Lenten seasons I have adopted the 3 word prayer pattern. All my prayers, there can be multiple ones, can only be 3 words. I wasn't planning to do that this year - could God be telling me otherwise? Better not offer to pray at the wedding next weekend.
Best - God knows best, God acts best, God loves best, God times best, God is best
Friday, March 3, 2017
2017 Lent Day 3
Jesus calls his first followers. It's our human nature when something new, exciting, unusual happens we want to tell people. Just look at social media - we will tell perfect strangers about sickness, awards, our kids, where we are eating, you name it we share it. So I wonder why do we have such a hard time telling others about Jesus? Testimony....the dreaded word for a Methodist. Please don't ask me to share my testimony. Goodness you just told me all the details about that nasty sickness in your house. Why is it so hard to share our faith?
The words that jumped off the page "come and see."
Jesus says these words to two of John the Baptist followers in verse 39. They follow and see. The
first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and tell him. "We have found the Messiah" verse 41.
We also see Phillip tell a hometown friend about Jesus. Nathaniel is doubtful but Phillip simply says
"Come and see" verse 46.
This made me think about family. Raise your hand if you have a family member who hasn't accepted Jesus as Messiah of their heart. We all have one or two or more, don't we! Maybe you've tried to change hearts and minds. I can honestly say I haven't done enough.
My extended family please forgive me if telling this embarrasses you.
Christmas time we all get together and stay in a cabin for a week. It's mostly great - I love being with my family, but you know there are times when our patience get tried. I will confess I can hold my tongue for only so long before my words bite the hearts of my loved ones. Before you know it we've said some brutally honest, hurtful things to each other. We always get over it - the Mutz clan is hard headed, and fun loving.
We talk about God, we have theological discussions - but we don't approach certain topics. Hey why have you stopped going to church? How's your walk with the Lord? What mission work are you doing? Why can I bite at their hearts over insignificant things and fail to discuss the most important things? Am I afraid they will get mad at me? Uhh I think we are past that - as quoted by one of my nieces ... "you've spoiled Christmas over plates." Yeah I got into a fight with my sister over plates, that seems very trivial today.
Can you relate? I hope this speaks to someone other than me.
What am I taking away from this passage today - come and see
Thursday, March 2, 2017
2017 Lent Day 2
This passage is about John the Baptist. Talk about giving up for Lent - this man wins the prize. He gives up clothes, comfort, food, never marries or has a family, he does his job. He doesn't seek glory or honor or followers he clearly points the way to Jesus. He knows who Jesus is look at verse 29:
"Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!"
Earlier he is asked by Priests and Levites sent by Jewish leaders ... who are you .... what do you say about yourself?
Have you ever reflected on those questions? Who are you? What do you say about yourself?
Now go back to yesterday, answer these questions with the Life-Light inside of you. Would your answer be the same?
I'll be honest I'm not close to living like John the Baptist and I don't want too. Might need some work in this department of materialism but that's for another day. But I do have the same job as John - in a way. I minister to children. This is a good time to reflect on my performance because I don't think every activity or event effectively teaches or directs the children to follow Jesus. Don't worry I'm not going off the deep end I won't be wearing a sign that says if you died today do you know where you would go. But I do think more prayer and discernment should go into event planning.
Wait a minute - are you are parent? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately teaching and pointing your children to Jesus?
Wait a minute - are you are a member of my church? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately pointing the parents of these children to follow Jesus?
Wait a minute - is Jesus your savior? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately pointing the people in your life to follow Jesus?
I don't think we need to go to the river, wear camel skin, and eat locus and honey to effectively, deliberately point people to Jesus. But has it even crossed your mind today - how can I be the hands of Christ? How can I show the love and mercy that has been so graciously given to me? If we are looking for the Life-Light these are the types of fruit we should be producing.
Without a doubt God is clearly telling me 40 days of giving up is doable. John gave up everything I treasure - if you know me can you imagine who I'd be without my family? John what an example you have set for us.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
2017 Lent Day 1
I read this in many different versions and decided to share The Message so these are verses 3-5 of John chapter 1: