Friday, March 3, 2017

2017 Lent Day 3

John 1: 35-50

Jesus calls his first followers. It's our human nature when something new, exciting, unusual happens we want to tell people.  Just look at social media - we will tell perfect strangers about sickness, awards, our kids, where we are eating, you name it we share it.  So I wonder why do we have such a hard time telling others about Jesus?  Testimony....the dreaded word for a Methodist. Please don't ask me to share my testimony.  Goodness you just told me all the details about that nasty sickness in your house.  Why is it so hard to share our faith?

The words that jumped off the page "come and see."

Jesus says these words to two of John the Baptist followers in verse 39. They follow and see.  The
first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and tell him. "We have found the Messiah" verse 41.

We also see Phillip tell a hometown friend about Jesus. Nathaniel is doubtful but Phillip simply says

"Come and see" verse 46.

This made me think about family.  Raise your hand if you have a family member who hasn't accepted Jesus as Messiah of their heart.  We all have one or two or more, don't we!  Maybe you've tried to change hearts and minds.  I can honestly say I haven't done enough.

My extended family please forgive me if telling this embarrasses you.

Christmas time we all get together and stay in a cabin for a week.  It's mostly great - I love being with my family, but you know there are times when our patience get tried.  I will confess I can hold my tongue for only so long before my words bite the hearts of my loved ones. Before you know it we've said some brutally honest, hurtful things to each other.  We always get over it - the Mutz clan is hard headed, and fun loving.

We talk about God, we have theological discussions - but we don't approach certain topics.  Hey why have you stopped going to church? How's your walk with the Lord? What mission work are you doing? Why can I bite at their hearts over insignificant things and fail to discuss the most important things? Am I afraid they will get mad at me? Uhh I think we are past that - as quoted by one of my nieces ... "you've spoiled Christmas over plates."  Yeah I got into a fight with my sister over plates, that seems very trivial today.

Can you relate? I hope this speaks to someone other than me.

What am I taking away from this passage today - come and see

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for another great write up. God bless
