Thursday, March 2, 2017

2017 Lent Day 2

John 1:19-34

This passage is about John the Baptist. Talk about giving up for Lent - this man wins the prize. He gives up clothes, comfort, food, never marries or has a family, he does his job. He doesn't seek glory or honor or followers he clearly points the way to Jesus. He knows who Jesus is look at verse 29:

"Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!"

Earlier he is asked by Priests and Levites sent by Jewish leaders ... who are you .... what do you say about yourself?

Have you ever reflected on those questions? Who are you? What do you say about yourself?

Now go back to yesterday, answer these questions with the Life-Light inside of you.  Would your answer be the same?

I'll be honest I'm not close to living like John the Baptist and I don't want too. Might need some work in this department of materialism but that's for another day. But I do have the same job as John -  in a way.  I minister to children.  This is a good time to reflect on my performance because I don't think every activity or event effectively teaches or directs the children to follow Jesus. Don't worry I'm not going off the deep end I won't be wearing a sign that says if you died today do you know where you would go.  But I do think more prayer and discernment should go into event planning.

Wait a minute - are you are parent? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately teaching and pointing your children to Jesus?

Wait a minute - are you are a member of my church? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately pointing the parents of these children to follow Jesus?

Wait a minute - is Jesus your savior? Oh snap you have the same job as me. Are you effectively, deliberately pointing the people in your life to follow Jesus?

I don't think we need to go to the river, wear camel skin, and eat locus and honey to effectively, deliberately point people to Jesus. But has it even crossed your mind today - how can I be the hands of Christ? How can I show the love and mercy that has been so graciously given to me? If we are looking for the Life-Light these are the types of fruit we should be producing.

Without a doubt God is clearly telling me 40 days of giving up is doable.  John gave up everything I treasure - if you know me can you imagine who I'd be without my family?  John what an example you have set for us.

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