Monday, February 29, 2016

Lent Day 17 - Luke 22

So much happens to Jesus in chapter 22. Peter cries out to me today. Let's take at look.

Luke 22:54-62

54 Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance. 55 And when some there had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with them. 56 A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, “This man was with him.”

57 But he denied it. “Woman, I don’t know him,” he said.

58 A little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.”

“Man, I am not!” Peter replied.

59 About an hour later another asserted, “Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean.”

60 Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” 62 And he went outside and wept bitterly.

Have you had one of those times when you were so sure of yourself.  Man I've got this - nothing is going to change me on that topic.  I have - more than once.  Just 30 verses earlier Peter says - what are you talking about Jesus - I am ready to die for you.  We are in this thing together.  I'm not leaving you - no way, no how.  Wow I sure wish Peter and Jesus were playing basketball like in the picture.

Time to get serious - Jesus best buddy - closest one - the rock - denies him.  Not once but three times.  And not only that Jesus warns him - Peter get ready this is what will happen.  What gets me in this story isn't that Peter fails and denies Jesus.  It's that Jesus looks at Peter - can you imagine?  They both knew it was going to happen - but they are both hurting.  What do you think that moment when they caught eyes was like?  Have you ever disappointed someone so much that it hurt to even look at them? This is not what heaven is like.  (Sunday I told the kids during service that in heaven there is no sadness, no tears, no worries).  I imagine this is what hell is like.  

Their eyes meet - Peter remembers - it breaks him.  He runs away.  He wept bitterly.  This is an emotion he can't control.  I've been there too - I think women cry easier than men - so this had to be really bad.  I'll bet he had the nose running, uncontrollable crying.  How about Jesus - what is he thinking at this moment?  Well knowing God's character he isn't too worried about his own fate - he is hurting for Peter.  Our God is like that you know.  Even when we get cocky and think we know whats best and that we can handle it, and we clearly can't; our God is there to help us pick up the pieces.  Surely Jesus was grieving for Peter.

Peter, James and John are Jesus' go to disciples. They get to go places, see things, and learn from Jesus the others don't.  Peter confesses with great faith - you are the Christ. Peter even gets to walk on water with Jesus (for alittle bit). How can Peter deny him? Where am I going with this? Good christians can make poor choices. They can do things that we would never have imagined in a million years. Just like Peter.

How do we respond? It's believed John was the only other disciple present. Do you think he gathered the others and said "I've got a prayer request for happen just like Jesus said it would."  How do we respond when one of our rocks does the unimaginable?  Talk about them? Pray for them? Confront them? Rebuke them? Show mercy?

Sometimes we can let and God allows Satan to shift us like wheat. Remember that the next time a Godly person blows it.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lent Day 16 - Luke 20-21

A few days ago I could have written on every story in the chapter.  Not today - nothing just jumps out at me.  The very first verses remind me of what God was telling me yesterday - so let's camp put there today.  Luke 20:1-8

One day as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple courts and proclaiming the good news, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, together with the elders, came up to him. 2 “Tell us by what authority you are doing these things,” they said. “Who gave you this authority?”

3 He replied, “I will also ask you a question. Tell me: 4 John’s baptism—was it from heaven, or of human origin?”

5 They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Why didn’t you believe him?’ 6 But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ all the people will stone us, because they are persuaded that John was a prophet.”

7 So they answered, “We don’t know where it was from.”

8 Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

I don't know about you - but when I'm getting ready to have an uncomfortable conversation with someone - I do exactly like these chief priest and teachers.  I think in my head ... if I say this than they will say that .... or I could say that and they would reply this.... But it never goes exactly like that in my head - usually the person says something I'm not expecting.  It didn't work out for the chief priests and the teachers either.  I don't recommend this method.

Who gave Jesus this authority?  If you have been reading all my blogs than you know the answer - Our Heavenly Father.  We know that!!  So why when we know that don't we always obey it?  Little doubt who the holy one is in this case - Our God.  No doubt who has the best plan for us - Our God.  No doubt who we should obey - Our God.  Yet, some how we let a nagging little voice whisper into our ears - you are giving up control.  Did God really say that?

Oh what story did you just think of?  The serpent and Eve - the forbidden fruit.  Come on Eve don't listen to that ole evil snake.  Yet we do the exact same thing.  Why do we chose our own way over God's way?  This is a theme in the whole Bible.  If we would just surrender to the authority of God - our lives would be so much better.  We aren't the first to do this and we won't be the last.  He tells us in Matthew 11:29 "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Something in our humanness we want to chose our way, make our own plans, do it ourselves.  Surrendering sounds weak and fragile.  I don't know about you put surrendering my will is extremely hard - it takes enormous strength and courage.  So how do we surrender to God's authority - pray more, pray often, pray without ceasing.  Did I mention we need to PRAY.  We can't do this in our own strength.  We must call upon the Lord.  My flesh is weak help me oh Lord.  Your will over my life - not my own.

I bet the chief priests and the teachers didn't expect Jesus' answer - I'm not telling.  Come on they knew - sure they knew.  They were expecting and hoping he would say from my father - Yahweh.  They wanted to get in him a bind - trick him up - so they could trap into leaving or kill him.

The remaining chapters of Luke are what we probably all think about when we say Lent - the last days of Jesus life.  Lets prepare for the betrayal, death and resurrection of Jesus our savior.  Read up Luke 22-24.  See you Monday

Friday, February 26, 2016

Lent Day 15 - Luke 19

Being a children's director I had to pick a kids themed picture today. After all the story of Zacchaeus is one every child learns in Sunday School. I'll bet you just hummed that old familiar tune:

Zacchaeus was a a wee little man a wee little man was he
He climbed up in the sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see
And as the Lord came passing by, he looked up in the tree
And said Zacchaeus you come down
For I'm going to your house today
For I'm going to your house today.

That is the main plot to the story of Zacchaeus. The part that really touched me today is the crowds reaction. Luke 19: 5-7

When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
Why do we mutter? Why do we subconsciously think we know more than God? You might be saying oh Cynthia I don't think I know more than God. Yes consciously I can say God knows best. And I pray often to Him...your ways are higher than my ways; your thoughts are not my thoughts; Lord your will be done. But (uh oh a but), let me tell you what would be perfect...could you do these things on my heart, and while you do it could you make sure it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. And No big rush let's say next Friday would be terrific.


Let's get back to you mutter? I mutter, when I shouldn't about too many different things. Soccer, teachers, friends, waiters, people's appearances, cleaning my house... Let's call it was it is - we are complaining that someone isn't doing  or something isn't going the way we think it should. We have predetermined what is best and the situation or person isn't living up to the level we have set. Yep we are judging; but not only that we are judging so we can either influence others or hurt the person we are muttering about.  I know I'm spoiling the fun great story of Zacchaeus. But this just glared out at me today. Cynthia shut your mouth says the Lord with all kindness and love.

Ouch Ouch

The great part of this story is while the Lord is giving me a rebuke (maybe you too), he tells us don't despair.  Zacchaeus changes - salvation came to his house.  Verse 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.  Praise God He is still seeking me when I mess up. He still loving calls me. He still desires relationship. He still calls me His. That's the thing about reading the Bible, I find stuff I'm doing all wrong; but there is my Savior calling me to try again. This time try in His strength not my own. Seek His face, look to glorify Him not myself. Make His name known!!

If you don't know Zacchaeus - he repents, and he repents in a big way. He gives half his possessions to the poor, and promises to repay anyone he cheated four times the amount. You guessed it Zacchaeus was a tax collector. (You are now a trained professional able to teach children's Sunday school)

Praise the name of the risen Savior - Jesus is the almighty.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lent Day 14 - Luke 18

Oh a few days have past since my last blog.  Let me get back to it :)

Luke 18

From the picture you can tell what story peaks my interest today.  But I could have written about any of Luke 18.  Some days just every word of the Lord speaks out to us - I'm having one of those days.  But I have picked the last story in Luke 18 : 35-42 to actually write about.

 35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36 When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”

38 He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

39 Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

40 Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, 41 “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord, I want to see,” he replied.

42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” 43 Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.

We don't have to be blind to understand the need this man possessed.  Maybe we are sick or broke or lonely or depressed or confused or worried or in a wilderness or or or.  We all have something going on in our lives that just isn't perfect, maybe even terrible and it eats at our soul and pains us.

The key to this story is first figuring out where Jesus our Savior is located.  So many times we put Him so far away in our minds that we can't imagine he can even see us.  This just isn't so.  The Holy Spirit is inside you - well that is if  Jesus has become your Lord and Savior.  Yep even believing this,  knowing we are saved, we can still feel like Jesus can't see us.  There are times when we think He has left our side and abandoned us.  Of course these are lies - nothing more - we let the enemy deceive us.  But the fact remains there are times when we can't sense the presence of God anywhere in our surroundings.  So faith has to kick in - we have to know what we know and tell ourselves - He promises to never leave me or forsake me.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deut. 31:6

I bet you can guess the second part - calling out to Him.  Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!  How many times do we wallow around complaining, fretting, controlling (or trying to), getting angry, or just shut down? And how has that process worked out?  Now how many times have we called out to Him?  Not once or twice but continually called out to Him.  Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!  Mine would go something like this:

Jesus, I don't feel you, I need you, I'm broken, hear my cry - come find me.  I have sinned and not loved like I should or helped like I should.  I've gotten angry and said things I shouldn't.  Forgive me.  But come - come restore my soul.  Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!

The beggar in our story is rebuked and told to be quiet - they didn't think this lost, poor man was worth Jesus' precious time.  And we can learn from this man - HE CRIES OUT ALL THE MORE.  Are you crying out all the more?  Jesus Jesus JESUS

And our Savior doesn't need the beggar to cry out - he knows he is there, he knows what he needs, yet He asks him "What do you want me to do for you?"  Relationship - our God is about relationship - talk to me child - tell me all about it - I'm here to listen,  Jesus shows up. We have that comfort from the Gospels - Jesus shows up time after time after time.  Why do we ever doubt - why do we think our problems, situations, desires can be bigger than our God!

And so we see Jesus heal the man and then - praises ring out from all who see and hear.  Today I'm going to praise my Lord without the solution being in place yet.  Because I know my redeemer lives and I can face anything - today, tomorrow, next month - because He is with me.

Lord I praise you for being who you are.  The God of heaven and earth - the God of my soul.  No matter where I am you see and know me.  No matter how I feel or what I do, you see and know me.  Praise you Lord for you are holy and perfect.  You are my salvation and my light.  Praise the name of the most high God.

Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lent Day 9 - Luke 10 & 11

Luke 10 & 11 - I've picked just a few scriptures from Luke 10: 17-21.  Jesus has sent out 72 followers to go into the towns before him.  They went in pairs - Jesus gave them instructions where to stay, what to eat, what to say, and to heal the sick.  These verses are the report back after being in the mission field.

17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”

18 He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.

Returned with joy!!  Can't you picture it, they came running up to Jesus, Lord, Lord, Lord wait till we tell you what has happened. When we say Jesus the demons jump.  They are so full.  Success in the mission field does this to your soul.  How does Jesus respond - of course they did - I have given you authority to ..... But he reminds them this world is not the prize.  Keep your eyes focused on eternity.  Rejoice instead that your names are written in heaven.  Well we don't read that everyday - you are saved and your name is written in heaven.  Isn't that a common struggle - am I really saved?  I feel far from God, I'm in the wilderness, barren place - does He know me?  Do I need to rededicate my life?  I don't struggle with these questions any more - but once upon a time - I would have given anything to hear this word from Jesus.  Rejoice that your name is written in heaven.

Listen to this today - Do you believe Jesus is the Son of the most high God?  Do you believe He died on the cross and took all your past, present, and future sins with him?  Do you believe that God raised him from the dead?  Do you believe the only way to heaven is to ask Jesus to come into your heart, to thank him for taking your sin, your punishment, your pain? YES YES YES YES

REJOICE - your name is written in heaven

Than verse 21 we see the son of God full of joy proclaim "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,"  Do you think he raised His hands?  Looked towards heaven?  Smiling? Did He speak with a loud voice?  "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,"  How much more should we praise our Father!  He goes on to say he has revealed all this to children instead of the wise and it pleases God.

I am lucky enough to always know Jesus.  I was raised by godly parents who took me to church, Sunday school and vacation bible school.  There has not been a time I didn't know my Lord.  I don't have a date I accepted Him as savior.  In all this time I've never doubted the truth of the Bible.  Child like faith - foundations of truth - seeing Him moving in my life.  I feel certain this is why I have a deep passion  for children.  I want them to know Jesus and never doubt Jesus loves them.

Oh Praise you Father in heaven!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lent Day 8 - Luke 9

Image result for Listen

Luke 9: 28-36 Transfiguration

28 About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. 30 Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. 31 They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. 32 Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. 33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.)

34 While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 35 A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” 36 When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves and did not tell anyone at that time what they had seen.

I bet you can guess what part I'm going to talk about :) - Peter.  This story is one we should all know - the on earth moment when 3 ordinary guys get to see Jesus in his splendor - His holy self.  I can't tell you anything more special about this story than has been told hundreds of times.  But I can relate to Peter.  He is a motor mouth - any thought and he speaks it.  You know he must love twitter - bet he said oh snap more than once.

What did Peter say that was so wrong?  Wouldn't it be a good thing to build shelters for these godly men?  For God?  I won't debate that aspect - but I will say - just because we think something is a good idea (and maybe it is) it doesn't mean it falls into God's plan.  God doesn't fuss at Peter - He comes down in a cloud and speaks to him.  How awesome is that - you aren't right Peter but I'm here with you.  He says This is my son, whom I have chosen - why did God says that?  We know from verses 18- 20 in this same chapter that Peter has no doubts who Jesus is - Jesus is asking them who do people say I am? And he asks who do you say I am, Peter says "God's Messiah."  This is one of Peter's strengths - he knows who Jesus is all the way down into his marrow.  So why did God say This is my son?  I think to get Peter's attention, alter his focus.  You do know who this is right Peter?  Of course he does!  LISTEN to HIM .... what God doesn't say is he won't lead you astray.  He will tell you everything you need to know and what to do.  Just LISTEN to HIM.

Listen to Him - that sounds so easy - why is it so hard?  Why don't we listen to Jesus?  Why do we have a thought and still speak it out without bathing it in prayer.  Its a good thing - but it might not be God's plan - His plan is best not just good.  I can get so caught up in doing a lesson, reading a scripture, preparing for teaching, singing, (all good things) that I don't listen.  I'm so busy doing God's work I can forget to stop and worship and listen to God.

I don't just want good - I want best.  When will I learn to pray more, seek more, ask more, and LISTEN to HIM?  Ok God today I'm going to have a good day - help me tomorrow when my flesh is weak and this lesson you are teaching me has left my memory.  Give me ears to hear, a heart to change, and spirit willing to do what you ask.  I praise you Lord!!  Continue this work in me - help me be your best.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lent Day 7 - Luke 8

The Family of Jesus

Luke 8 is packed full of Jesus stuff - well of course it is a gospel after all.  The story of the sower and the seed, Jesus calms the storm, drives out demons, heals a bleeding woman, and restores a girl to life.  Wow He was very busy.  But I'm going to pick 3 little scriptures right after the parable - verses 19-21.  I would like to point out these 3 verses also appear in Matthew and Mark - 3 out of the 4 gospels - it is bound to be important.

19 Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. 20 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”

21 He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”

As a mother of four children - that are fast approaching adulthood (2 are technically adults), I don't like this scripture.  As the mom - I would be thinking wait till I get Jesus alone, I'm going to pinch his head off. Who does he think he is ... too big for his breeches!  Doesn't have time for his momma.

Ok this is Lent and God's trying to teach me - so maybe that isn't the correct response.  Let's break it down.  His biological family can't get in and they send word - hey we are here can you give us the backstage passes?  Seriously someone tells Jesus -  your mother and brothers are outside waiting on you.  So family has importance - that's the first thing.  That hasn't changed, today family is still very important.  We get together with our families for holidays, births, weddings, funerals.  If you are lucking enough to live in the same town you get together for everyday meals, football games, graduations, just to hang out.

Jesus' response that's what I jumped on (incorrectly by the way) was My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.  Jesus makes us important too - we are his family too.  He isn't exclusive - he doesn't say you have to be a circumcised Jew.  He says those who hear and obey are in His family.  Jesus came to save everyone.  And we are just as important as the woman who gave birth to him - we are that special in his eyes.  We have access to the Lord and Savior of the world - the most important figure of all history.

A mother to 4 almost adult children - what could be better than Jesus saying - these children of yours are my brothers and sisters!  We all want our children to hear Him, to obey Him, to love Him, to know Him, to worship only HIM.  Oh thank you Jesus for including all of us in your family - the family of families.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lent Day 6 - Luke 7


Why are the first 10 verses of Luke 7 always the story we talk about?  The Faith of the Centurion.  What about the story right after that one.  The grieving widow with the dead son.

Luke 7: 11-17
Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son
11 Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. 12 As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”
14 Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” 15 The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
16 They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.” 17 This news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.
What I like best about this story is Jesus' heart is moved - "His heart went out to her."  I can relate, and I'm sure you can too.  There are so many people out there hurting.  We might know them, we might not; but we hear their story, or we see their condition and our hearts go out to them.  Don't cry - simple little words.  We don't know anything about this woman, except she is all alone -her husband and only child are dead.  This woman is miserable with grief.  We don't know if she knows who Jesus is, we don't know what kind of faith she has.  That isn't important - Jesus is moved to act and help her.  
How many times do people in your circles reach out in need?  I'll use Facebook as an example - friends from church will post a prayer concern.  People comment all the time prayers sent.  How many times do we really take the time and pray for that need and the situation.  Do we replace personal contact of visits and telephone calls with likes and comments on Facebook? Oh I think Facebook has a neat purpose and easy way to get information out - but it should never replace personal connection with those people that "Our heart goes out to."  
Nothing is more powerful than praying over someone in need.  I've written about this before - we have become a society afraid to pray out loud.  But that simple act shows your faith, and gives comfort to a hurting person, and we call upon the power of the Lord.  This is our best resource - I can do what Jesus did - I haven't brought anyone back from the dead yet.  I have prayed over countless people in need.  One day while I was at the hospital for a test, a lady was alone and upset talking to herself.  My heart went out to her and I starting talking with her.  She told me why she was there and that she was scared.  I asked her if I could pray for her.  In that waiting room (it was a big full one), I prayed out loud over this woman.  It was a transformation - her expression changed, her body relaxed, her situation wasn't driving her any more, she found peace.  I stayed with her until she was called back - we never even exchanged names.  Lord, please give us the courage to reach out to those in need.
And yes - the main theme of this lent for me is here too verse 16 they praised God.  May my lips sing of His praise all the day long.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lent 2016 Day 2 - Luke 2

Oh I do love babies - can't get my fill.  Jesus is born; shepherds are dazzled and amazed; Mary ponders much in her heart.  I would really like to ask Mary how she entertained all those visitors through the night. She did just travel a long distance, got registered, and looked unsuccessfully for lodging.  Surely she was beat, sweaty and stinky.  But I digress from the topic at hand.  I feel compelled to talk about the the meeting of Simeon at the temple. 

Luke 2: 28-35 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
    you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.”
Then the scripture goes on to say Joseph and Mary marveled at what he said.  They knew Jesus was special - they both got angel visit about this child.  But what is this - a man is ready to die just because he has seen God's promise.  What are they thinking right now?  The same theme from yesterday - PRAISE GOD.  I surely think He is telling me to praise Him more and more and more.  But this still isn't the part I want to dive into, this is just the setup. Simeon's next words to Mary : 

34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

What? What did you say?  Could you repeat that please?  What do you mean? Falling and rising? Spoken against? Hardship...are you telling me this baby boy just 8 days old is destined to hardship?  And then the killer - Mary you will experience unbelievable hurt like a sword piercing your soul.  What would I do if I were Mary at this moment.  With my boldness I would probably say hold on I need to sit down and we need to talk.  I need to understand everything, each detail, when this is going to happen and how it is going to happen.  Talk to me Simeon what do you know.

Trust - this is all about whats going to happen but the underlying Mary moment is trust.  Is Mary going to trust God?  Well of course she is.  He has proven faithful to her thus far why wouldn't she.  So why in the world do we struggle with this trust thing?  You thought I wasn't going to apply this to us :).  Hasn't God shown himself faithful in our lives yet we come to a hick-up in the road and we immediately start to get into solve mode.  For example when Griffin was an infant I discovered his skull was shaped funny.  We went to the doctor who was like yeah that isn't right - I'm sending you to Birmingham to a specialist.  What? Oh course you can't just get an appointment that day, we had to wait what seemed forever.  Overdrive solve mode kicked in - I searched the internet, and I searched.  I had him getting chemotherapy and possibly dying.  The morning of the appointment I went running with my neighbor and we were actually praying (what a concept), and we turned the corner and a rainbow appeared in the sky from end to end.  A peace that I can't explain immediately passed through me.  Oh Lord why didn't I trust you long ago?! 

Our God is faithful!  Our God is loving! Our God is forgiving!  Our God is worthy to be trusted!  And best of all we belong to Him.  Hear that again - we belong to Him. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lent 2016 Day 1

Lent a time of repentance and fasting

If you know me  - you would know my family would go crazy if I decided to fast for 40 days.  Lent is that time of giving something up - sacrifice.  I have decided to do Margaret Feinberg's  Lent bible reading plan in place of fasting.  I'll be reading the books of Luke and Acts for the next 40 days.  Easy right?!  Part of this is to share what I am learning.   I haven't blogged in a LONG time - so I thought I'll give it a go.  Now no promises I'll manage an article every day, but I am going to try and share what the Lord puts on my heart as often as possible over the next 40 days (46 right Sunday's don't count).

ASH WEDNESDAY - 2/10/2016

The stories of Zachariah, Elizabeth and Mary are so wonderful.  Who doesn't like to hear about babies?  I love babies.  What spoke to me today from this scripture is how the Holy Spirit shows up.  Not the miraculous angel visits or how the story unfolds.  Its the scripture you probably skim over - Elizabeth's greeting to Mary (v. 39-45); Mary Response or Song (v. 46-56) and Zechariah's Song once his tongue is loosed (v. 67-79).

Elizabeth's greeting: the baby leaped for joy in her womb.  When I was pregnant my babies leaped only when I had Mexican food.  And then Elizabeth says "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear."  The Holy Spirit greets Mary at the door with a blessing.  When have you been nervous?  Surely Mary was nervous, worried,  pregnant before the wedding and it isn't Joseph's baby.  You know the people had to be talking about it.  But the Holy Spirit just comes out and tells her through Elizabeth - YOU ARE BLESSED.  Our God shows up, doesn't abandon, pours into Mary a deposit of love.

Mary's response to Elizabeth's greeting is profound.  Remember Mary is a child in today's word - a teenager.  Her first words, "My soul glorifies the Lord."  and then she goes on to say:

 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
    of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49     for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
    holy is his name.  (Luke 1: 47-48)

I don't know about you but the best I get from my teenagers is:
God is good
All the time
All the time
God is good

God is mindful of me.  God is mindful of you.  He knows what state you are in right this minute.  He is waiting for us to call out to Him and say:  My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.  How many times do we go to the Lord with our list of needs, wants, desires?  How many times do we go to the Lord and just praise Him?  He is so worthy of our praise.  Praise the Lord oh my soul.

Then we come to the naming of a baby.  I find it funny that everyone there has an opinion about what the baby should be named.  I guess that tradition has carried on to today.  As soon as Zechariah writes his name is John his speech returns.  This is the amazing part - he doesn't complain, he doesn't tell the story how he lost his voice, he praised God.  And his words are a blessing over Israel.

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,
    because he has come to his people and redeemed them.
69 He has raised up a horn of salvation for us
    in the house of his servant David
70 (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),
71 salvation from our enemies
    and from the hand of all who hate us—
72 to show mercy to our ancestors
    and to remember his holy covenant,
73     the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
74 to rescue us from the hand of our enemies,
    and to enable us to serve him without fear
75     in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. (Luke 1:68-75)

Again, praising God.  All three are not focused on themselves.  They are focused on God.  When was the last time I spent an hour not focused on my stuff, my family, me, me, me?  Praising God what a concept - one I plan to do more of.

This Lent season - a time of repentance and for me a time of letting go my self-absorption and embracing my Savior and Lord - Jesus Christ.  I praise you Lord for you are worthy of all my time and all my praise.  Without you I am lost and dead.  Holy is the name Jesus.

Come join me - read and praise God together
2/11 - Luke 2
2/12 Luke 3-4
2/13 Luke 5