Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lent Day 7 - Luke 8

The Family of Jesus

Luke 8 is packed full of Jesus stuff - well of course it is a gospel after all.  The story of the sower and the seed, Jesus calms the storm, drives out demons, heals a bleeding woman, and restores a girl to life.  Wow He was very busy.  But I'm going to pick 3 little scriptures right after the parable - verses 19-21.  I would like to point out these 3 verses also appear in Matthew and Mark - 3 out of the 4 gospels - it is bound to be important.

19 Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. 20 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”

21 He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”

As a mother of four children - that are fast approaching adulthood (2 are technically adults), I don't like this scripture.  As the mom - I would be thinking wait till I get Jesus alone, I'm going to pinch his head off. Who does he think he is ... too big for his breeches!  Doesn't have time for his momma.

Ok this is Lent and God's trying to teach me - so maybe that isn't the correct response.  Let's break it down.  His biological family can't get in and they send word - hey we are here can you give us the backstage passes?  Seriously someone tells Jesus -  your mother and brothers are outside waiting on you.  So family has importance - that's the first thing.  That hasn't changed, today family is still very important.  We get together with our families for holidays, births, weddings, funerals.  If you are lucking enough to live in the same town you get together for everyday meals, football games, graduations, just to hang out.

Jesus' response that's what I jumped on (incorrectly by the way) was My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.  Jesus makes us important too - we are his family too.  He isn't exclusive - he doesn't say you have to be a circumcised Jew.  He says those who hear and obey are in His family.  Jesus came to save everyone.  And we are just as important as the woman who gave birth to him - we are that special in his eyes.  We have access to the Lord and Savior of the world - the most important figure of all history.

A mother to 4 almost adult children - what could be better than Jesus saying - these children of yours are my brothers and sisters!  We all want our children to hear Him, to obey Him, to love Him, to know Him, to worship only HIM.  Oh thank you Jesus for including all of us in your family - the family of families.

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