Monday, March 14, 2016

Lent Day 29 - Acts 13

The book of Acts has so many fantastic stories and chapter 13 is no exception.  But the overall theme is what has me wondering today.  Look at verse 2:

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

Are you still trying to figure out what God has called you to do?  Are you worshiping and fasting asking the Lord - what is my calling?  I know I don't do that enough - seek the Lord, worship the Lord, and I hardly ever fast.

So what were Barnabas and Saul (or Paul) called to do?  The rest of the chapter we see them talking to people telling them the story of Jesus.  Let's fast forward to verse 44:

 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 

When I got here it struck me - we had 30,000+ people come out to see and hear Donald Trump; why don't we have the whole city coming out to hear about Jesus Christ?  I remember growing up my Father would never miss the Billy Graham TV specials.  He would be in a football stadium telling people about Jesus.  Why don't we do this any more?  Is it too old school?  Do we think God doesn't work that way any more?  That's why we have pastors and priests - that's their job.  Do we even tell people about Jesus?  When is the last time you told an unsaved person the Good News?  I must admit I tend to surround myself with people who I think know the Lord.  This is no excuse!!

We don't see miraculous things because we don't ask or expect them.  We don't share our faith why? Can you take a minute and really answer that?  Ok I'll give it a go - because it maybe uncomfortable. The person might not like it or might judge me.  It is easier to not say anything.  I mean I'm a children's ministry teacher I'm doing my part - I'm teaching the kids at church right?  Some how I don't think God is going to say - it's ok Cynthia that this neighbor of yours didn't get into heaven - I know it was just too awkward for you.

I might not always get what my calling is - what God has me set apart for every season of my life.  But I do know with all certainty I'm always called to tell people about Jesus.  I might not be filling stadiums, or even my living room.  But there is always an opportunity EVERY DAY to share the good news about Jesus to someone in my path.  Now am I willing to step out and do it?

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